Happy Birthday!! We celebrated Rob’s 27th birthday at my parent’s house; also where we’ve been camping out while looking for a house since we got back from China. We also used it as a “guess the sex of our baby” party. We made everyone pick a blue or pink cup to use then we went down to watch the ultrasound DVD that we had done a couple of weeks before. What cup would you have picked? (Refer to pictures below to see if you are correct!!)
It's a...!!!!
Our baby!
I thought it was a good time to give Rob a birthday/Christmas present…a set of skis and boots! Hurray, no more rear entry boots for Rob! Side note: Rob and I got engaged shortly before Christmas so for that Christmas I promptly went out and bought him some skis to let him…try out skiing. Some say I wouldn’t have married him if he didn’t take to skiing and that this was the last test. I don’t think I’m THAT shallow, but we’ll just say it’s a good thing he took to it quickly and at least pretended to enjoy it. So all he had were the skis and bindings I bought him, he “made due” with some good ol’ fashioned rear entry boots that didn’t fit him, that’s how dedicated he was! Wasn’t he a good fiancĂ©?! So now he’s a little more “legit”. Both of the parties were good times!
Happy Birthday! Doesn't he look great in his jeans and boots? All his needs now is a Cowboys jacket and he'll be a Texas skier! :) no offense Texans...
Sunday, October 25, 2009
It's a Happy Day!
Posted by Stefanie Stephenson at 6:38 AM 1 comments
Monday, October 12, 2009
Like a bump on a log
So, as I’ve was…increasing in size, I got a job as a behavioral therapist working one-on-one in a school with a boy with autism. It’s was an incredibly rewarding job (one that I first got experience at in Hawaii), but a physically and mentally taxing one. Throw in the being pregnant factor and working in a school during the “swine flu pandemic” and that makes for a festive concoction. Well, I lasted three months. I know, I’m a wimp. But mostly just not a fan of putting my life and my unborn child’s life in that type of environment along with the stress of dealing with the boy’s mother who had multiple issues herself. Now it’s time to once again search for a job…as woman with a five month old pregnant belly. Hummm… Here are a couple obligatory baby bump pictures while you wait!
12 Weeks
22 Weeks
Posted by Stefanie Stephenson at 6:18 AM 0 comments